Price Increase Announcement 2024
Capt. Collins D. Illich 1·3·2024
I enjoy writing our blogs and the communication generated from them. Thank you to our loyal followers and readers. This one is not as fun to write.
Each of you supported us and drove our success over the last couple of years. We would not be where we are without you. Sadly, based on world-wide circumstances, we are forced to raise prices for 2024. New family pricing is outlined below.
BSC 1 · $199.95
BCS 5 Hybrid · $399.95
BCS3 Inshore · $399.95
Bois D’Arc · $499.95
New Moon Fly Rods · $699.95
The importance of honesty and transparency has never been more important. So is the philosophical position of one of our favorite colloquialisms, “dance with the one that brought you.” To that point, we are announcing the price increase today. But Sawgrass is not raising the pricing until February 1, 2024.
If there is a rod on your wish list, we hope we have given you plenty of time to grab it at 2023 pricing. If not, call Collins. His cell is 469.233.2356 and tell him what you have been eyeing. We will work something out.
Sawgrass is deeply appreciative of your loyalty and confidence in our brand and wish circumstance did not dictate the price hike. Lastly, I promise the next blog will be fishing specific and I will enjoy writing it a lot more.
Sawgrass wishes anyone who has read down to this point a happy New Year, a lifetime of excellent fishing and a life full of prosperity.
Collins & Chris